
Friday, February 25, 2011

Puppy Love

This week we celebrated Miss Lilah's 2nd birthday! I know we're not "real" parents, but I can totally  relate to how parents feel when they say they can't remember what life was like before their little one. I truly can't remember life before Lilah. She's wild, and crazy, busy, needy, expensive and a total bed hog, but she's just the love of my life. We've been talking about a little puppy sister for the last year or so, but I think we may just take the plunge this summer since I'll be out of school and we have a beautiful new fenced in back yard. Still, it's hard to believe any other lady pup in the world could even compare to our Lilah.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lovin' Lakeview

Greg & I recently relocated to a new neighborhood a few miles south of our original residence here in Chicago. You probably know that my best friend moved to Chicago last spring and stayed with us for a few months, but when she moved, she relocated to a neighborhood that we both fell completely in love with upon visiting her new digs. We'd been talking about moving for a few months and we both agreed we'd like to live in the same neighborhood as Meghan. So when she called me a few weeks ago to let us know there was an apartment for rent in her neighborhood, we jumped at the chance to visit. After a great deal of conversation and even a little extra apartment hunting, we settled on that very apartment.

It's a 1 bedroom garden unit in a 3 unit building in the heart of Lakeview. We couldn't be happier! We sacrificed a few amenities, but we gained a private front & back entrance as well as a fenced backyard, a beautiful neighborhood, and some very kind neighbors with 3 very cute dogs. We're still moving in so we'll post photos later, but we're super excited about making a life (and starting our married life) here. Miss Lilah is thrilled about her fenced back yard, although she's comparatively less excited about the occasional dusting of late Winter/ early Spring snow we've been getting. The cherry on top is that Meghan is just 2 short blocks away, and another one of our very best friends is just a few blocks from us too. Per usual, life is way better than either one of us could dream of. Stay tuned for photos!

Coming Soon...

Here I go again...With the advent of our engagement & all of the hysterical & celebration-worthy things that have been happening in my (our) life lately, I've decided to go public & start up blogging again. With the addition of a full time job and a full course load of graduate classes to the agenda, blogging regularly might take some creative time management, but this life is too good/crazy/funny/ridiculous not to share.